Lara Loves Her Bike

This is my entry for Strobist's 2009 bootcamp 4th assignment. The theme was 'what moves you', transport-wise. For me, that's my bicycle, and I love my bicycle. So of course you hug and snuggle and take to bed things that you love, right? By the way, anyone who talks about the village bike being easy to bed has never tried to get an actual bicycle under the covers. It's more awkward than you'd expect. For kicks, we had a go at making a version of this picture that was a little more post-coital, but I preferred this one. Strobist info: We had some window light coming from image right, which gave the base exposure. There was a snooted Sigma 530DG Super at image top, pointing down, with a CTO gel - a 1/2 CTO or a full one, I forget which. You can see this on her fingers, biceps, and the top of her head. Finally, I had a Yongnuo YN460 hidden under the covers on a low power setting to give a little splash of light on her right arm and top of the chest, to get rid of a big black hole in the centre of the image.
Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL, 24.0 mm, f/5.6, 1/50s, ISO 800.