Photography by Alex Pounds

Bronze maple leaf Nintendo Cookies Love Locks Château Laurier The fishy drain covers of Ottawa Hold on to your fork Brunch with mum Glass, Steel, and Sunlight Broken window Air Canada Centre Concrete Jungle Skulls Missing Robot Toronto Cat Dress Eat More Queso Pine Cones Vinyl Moonlit Tree Groundhog Stripes Vespa tail light Vent Toronto Skyline Waterfront Condos Big Lunch Sparrows Toronto City Hall Bicycle basket Ashley Kalman Andrasofszky Bikers La Abuela D' The GMC Toronto Skyline Book Scaffold Arrowhead Building Roof Wall, with vent and pipe Neon bar Shooting Gallery Juice Hagia Sophya Galata Bridge Chestnuts Pushpins Sunset on HMS Belfast United Kingdom Bombe Mechanisms Diving Suit The Parcel